Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Pasta hw
1. First open pot and add water. Not that interesting pretty normal
2. Then let the water boil.
3. Then make the sauce I put tomato sauce and ground beef. The best because it smells so good when you make it. Add a little red wine salt pepper.
4. Then when its ready turn off the stove for the sauce. Because it takes seconds to reheat.
5. Then wait until water is boiled. This is exciting because your hard work is about to pay off.
6. Then when its done add a little salt.
7. After the pasta is in and its done take strainer and put water through. Andy was right its very dangerous burned my finger a little. Hot air on my face.
8. Then add a little olive oil to the pasta make it aldente because that's how I like it.
9. Then heats up sauce, put pasta with sauce, and just eat. The best part because it tastes so much better, when you make it.


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