Wednesday, February 14, 2007

beef and why this is better

Keiji Kawakita
Organic beef
The main difference I learned about organic beef and regular beef is that the
Organic cows life is much more humane environments. In regular industrial places, the cows live in small barns next to each other since they are born until they die. However, the organic cows run free in pastures, eat grass, and get a very good exercise. They also kill the cows with a butcher instead of a stun gun, the butcher is well trained and knows how to kill the animal without causing any or very little pain. The cows are also killed one at a time and so it is not as mechanic and the other cows do not see it. They also said that the organic beef has less fat and more lean. The cows are in what Rudolf Steiner calls a Biodynamic farm, this concept was made by him in which the base is a healthy farm where the balance of plants and animals. His concept includes producing everything it needs within itself. So this means that because the animal eats the grass then excretes solid waste then the waste goes into the ground making the soil richer and more food for the other animals. The theory also includes no use of fertilizers or pesticides and hormones are strictly avoided on a biodynamic farm.


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